Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is Slim Fast protein drinks and Special K part of a vegetarian diet?

I'm trying to go semi-vegetarian, still eating diary. Would the Slim Fast drinks and Special K be alright? Is Slim Fast protein drinks and Special K part of a vegetarian diet?
Check the packaging for animal derived ingredients, I doubt that Slimfast is o.k.
Slim Fast is not a good diet. It's a waste of calories that could be used eating something way better and healthier for you.

I did weight watchers after I had my last baby and it was amazing. I bet you could call and see if they would help you create a diet plan that would work for you and has what you want

Good luck!! Is Slim Fast protein drinks and Special K part of a vegetarian diet?
You should check your local bookstores for "The Idiot's Guide To Being Vegetarian" This book will give you the information on all aspects of being vegetarian and all vegetarian diets.
Read the ingredients.

There is no such thing as a semi vegetarian.Is Slim Fast protein drinks and Special K part of a vegetarian diet?
Personally, I wouldn't include such things in any diet.

Junk food as far as I'm concerned.

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