Thursday, February 23, 2012

How can I get complete and essential protiens on a vegetarian diet?

I still eat eggs and milk, since they have good protein and the animal doesn't necessarily die to get it. so what foods could I eat, or food combinations, to get the same complete proteins I could get from meat?

And also will not eating meat since I'm only 15, prevent me from growing fully? Should I just wait until I've stopped growing?How can I get complete and essential protiens on a vegetarian diet?
A vegetarian diet will not affect your growth rate. In fact, it will set you up for a very healty future.

Just keep a good balance of fruit and vegetables, make sure to include nuts and cereals.

There is nothing in meat that you need to be healthy.

Try to avoid too many meat substitutes ( veggie burgers etc ) They are certainly better for you than meat ones but generally they are not as good as simple vegetables and fruit.

Many vegetables ahve more protien than meat so you need not worry about protien at all. Its often the first think meat-eaters tell you to worry about but there is nothing to it, its just silly myths they spread. Just look at Dereks answer, does that sound like someone who KNOWS or has tried being a vegetarian ?? No, its a stock meaty answer. Also remember that vegetarians do nto eat fish, if you choose to eat fish, please do not call yourself a vegetarian.

Best of luck with it.
You can get proteins from other sources.

I highly recommend mushrooms. They are pure protein!!!

I stopped eating meat when I was 16 and I 've grown normally.

The only thing my doctor told me then was not to stop consuming milk and make sure that I include proteins in my every day meals.

As a matter of fact by stop eating meat you also stop getting all those toxins that are in animals today. You can't even imagine what they are feeding those poor animals we later consume.How can I get complete and essential protiens on a vegetarian diet?
Being vegan or vegetarian is healthier, than any other diet possible and that isn't even touch the hormones and antibiotics, used in raising animals, and the possibilities and realities of meat borne illness, Mad Cow Disease etc. .

Better for your heart. Proven to reduce heart disease, and even reverse coronary heart disease.

Sample one-day meal plan for vegetarians:


2 Sanitarium Weet-Bix with sliced banana and a handful of walnuts

Sanitarium So Good Lite soymilk (1 cup)

Morning tea

A small handful of dried fruit and nuts e.g. prunes, dried apricots, almonds, cashews


1 sandwich made with wholegrain bread spread with avocado and filled with a variety of colourful salad vegetables e.g. mixed green leaves, grated carrot, tomato, beetroot, cucumber, mung bean sprouts.

陆 cup baked beans

1 piece of fresh fruit in season e.g. apple or orange

Afternoon tea

Hummus dip with vegetable sticks or;

Fruit smoothie made with 1 cup Sanitarium So Good Lite soymilk and wheat germ


Indian spinach tofu with rice (see recipe)

Wholemeal roti (an Indian flat bread, also known as Chapati)

Bowl of berries or fruit salad in season with low fat soy or dairy yoghurt

Remember to drink 6-8 glasses of water each day.

Below are some useful web sites

Automatically lower s your cholesterol levels. The only foods that contain cholesterol are animal products, like meat and dairy. And since a three-decade-long study found that not a single subject with a cholesterol level below 150 has ever developed heart disease, that's hard to ignore!

Vegans have lower rates of obesity, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, large bowel disorders, cancers and gallstones.

Reduces stroke risks and coronary artery disease.

Reduces symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Reduces food poisoning. 95% of food poisoning is linked to animal products.

Your bowels will work much better, therefore, keeping your whole system healthier.

Live longer healthier lives. One 21-year-long study that compared meat-eaters and vegetarians showed that the greater the meat consumption, the greater the death rate from all causes combined.

Increased vegetable and fruit intake reduces your need for taking a multi vitamin plus increases your antioxidant intake.

Here's where you find some important nutrients:

Protein Particularly good are legumes (lentils, kidney beans, baked beans, tofu, etc), nuts and seeds (peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, etc). Eat nuts and seeds in moderation because they contain fat. Also reasonably good are grains (bread, breakfast cereals, rice, etc) and some vegetables (peas, broad beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts). Non-vegans get protein from eggs and dairy products, but they also contain fat, and are not cruelty-free.

B-group vitamins Particularly good are whole grains, wheat germ, nuts and seeds, soy beans. Vegans should take a B12 supplement.

Calcium Particularly good are nuts and seeds (almonds, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds etc), tofu made with calcium sulphate, fortified soy milk, soy beans, chick peas, broccoli and brussel sprouts. Non-vegans get calcium from dairy products. For maximum bone strength make sure you get regular, short exposure to sunlight - sunlight on the skin produces vitamin D which is necessary to deposit calcium in the bones. Also get regular exercise.

Iron Particularly good are legumes (lentils, chickpeas, soy beans, etc), nuts and seeds, whole grains, dried fruits (apricots, figs, raisins) and leafy green vegetables. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with iron. To maximise iron absorption, include vitamin C in meals (fruit, vegetables, salad or juice), and don't drink tea with meals.

Zinc Particularly good are nuts and seeds, wheat germ, whole grains, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, etc), tofu, soy protein, peas, bean sprouts and mushrooms.
Beans and (brown) rice offer a complete protein. That's why it is a staple of many culture's diets around the world in one form or another.

I became a vegetarian at 16 and I still grew 3 more inched in height.How can I get complete and essential protiens on a vegetarian diet?
There's a whole range of soy products that are high in protein - tofu, soya drink milk, soy powder, soy meat, etc

Nuts are high in protein.
Eggs are a great source of complete protein as is soybeans or products containing soy.

Another way to get complete protein is to Mix it up and eat a bunch of different things containing protein; like for example, Sunflower seeds, Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Carrots, Organic Popcorn, and Yogurt.

You can still grow and not eat meat just be sure you are getting all your vitamins, minerals, and plenty of complete protein.
you can get all of what you need from soy replacements
Soy bean protein is what you should use to get the protein required on a vegetarian diet. Women need to add a little meat even if it is to soup at that time of the month. It is an essential even Buddhist Nun's do this. These women are vegetarian but also know the value of good nutrition.
I'm a meat eater, but I love vegetarian foods. I just don't get full without meat. I work out a lot. But goot vegetarian foods to fulfill your protien needs are:

TOFU . . . tofu is one of the most protein packed foods you can eat without eating meat. You can prepare it just about any way you want. It's virtually tasteless, so go to recipe websites. You'll find hundreds of ways to prepare it.

YOGURT . . . yogurt is soooo good for you!

SOY . . . but be careful . . . too much soy is not good for you. Your body can actually overdose on too much soy.

FISH/SEAFOOD . . . I don't know how strictly vegetarian you are, but if seafood or fish is an option, it's the best way to get all the nutrients you need. I can't eat it, but I should.

If all else fails, there are protein bars, shakes, and suppliments that are available everywhere, even your local grocery store.
Eggs and milk, while a source of a lot of protein, aren't actually a source of good protein. They are considered to be of high "quality" because they have alot of the 8 essential amino acids, and our bodies can produce proteins faster from them. But it is actually healthier to get a slower, more steady intake of amino acids from a variety of plant based foods.
Spirulina... Nuts.... Any Vegetable
My personal suggestion:

Don't even start on vege diet 'cuz you will never really make up all crucial elements/nutrition through merely vegetables. Instead you can go consulting your doctor to give you a daily recipe composed of every necessary ingredient. Meat of course takes one of the whole combination but you still can lose weight by a close-to-nature way.

-4pounds a month is gonna be easier, safer and healthy way, even impacting very little to your daily life!
You can buy some really good protien bars at the grocery store. My favorites are Pria bars and Balance Bars.
If I was you I would wait to become a vegetarian until you reach your full growth potential. If you do choose to become a vegetarian get accustomed to taking pills and supplements to keep you somewhat healthy.

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