Sunday, February 26, 2012

Have any of you gone on a vegetarian diet?

If so how long did it take you to lose the weight and how much did you lose? Any tips would help.Have any of you gone on a vegetarian diet?
Haven't gone totally vegatarian, but have started using a simple process of having a small bowl of raw veggies near me during the day. It helps keep hunger at bay and still gives me many of the benefits of a vegaterian diet.
It wasn't a diet choice for me it was a life changing decision to be completely honest. I became one for ethical reasons and the things I saw like factory farming and the china fur farms is something i can never get out of my head. I became a vegetarian about a 1.5 years ago I didn't think I would lose weight but I lost 25lbs. When I first went "vegetarian" I cut out all meat but I still ate fish products then I eventually cut out fish and just ate shrimp and clams ect. then I cut out all meat. I feel great for what I've done and knowing I do not support factory farming and I'm not paying money to the industry makes me feel better at the end of the dayHave any of you gone on a vegetarian diet?
I tried it, was sent to the hospital then decided to never do it again. If you are very active you need to eat meat. I ate more than I did when I ate meat and I always ate the combination that made complete proteins but human bodies weren't meant to go all veggie. My body suffered because I tried to be a vegetarian and I would not recommend it to anyone. My ex was a vegetarian and he was always underweight and sickly looking. Now that he eats meat he has more energy and he just looks better all over. This is not a diet that people should go on unless they are allergic to meats. There are very few people who benefit from this. My suggestion to you is just to eat healthy, cut out junk foods, and exercise.
Its hard to lose weight if you just stop eating meats. Vegan is the best diet to go on if you want the best results. Otherwise not eating any meats and eating everything else isnt gonna be a good balanced diet.Have any of you gone on a vegetarian diet?
I suggest you get your proteins from rice and beans, tofu and nuts. If you want to lose weight you should continue eating some lean meats such as tuna and turkey..but always eat more vegetables and fruits than lean meats...It will work.
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