Thursday, February 23, 2012

What are some reasons a Carnivorous diet is better than a vegetarian diet?

I need 20 reasons for a research paper and I have 10 already.What are some reasons a Carnivorous diet is better than a vegetarian diet?
1) you can eat meat

2) meat tastes better

3) you dont have to live with the guilt knowing you killed an innocent carrot

4) meat is tougher

5) chuck norris eats meat

6) more flavors

7) if you visit another planet you can eat the aliens

8) people know your not gay

9) you can use it as a punching bag if you are training for a boxing match

10) you can hit someone with it if you feel threatenedWhat are some reasons a Carnivorous diet is better than a vegetarian diet?
Vegetarians have trouble getting all their nutrients.

Often it is necessary for pregnant women to eat more protein.

When growing you can get more from meat.

To fuel your body it costs much more to buy fruit than meat.

Meat can be harvested whenever (no out of season)

Dairy gives you probiotics.

There, and good luck on your research paper. To be honest I would rather be on the other side of it though.What are some reasons a Carnivorous diet is better than a vegetarian diet?
1. Got vitamin B

2. Acid Oils in meat that prevent Alsheimers

3.You wont look gay

4.Think about the poor carrot, been skinned, chopped, boiled?

5.Cant get Big while downing Daddys Pickle all day
More B12, more essential amino acids, more iron, more carnitine, more creatine, more choline, more long chain omega-3 fatty acids.

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