Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is Christianity against a vegetarian diet?

I am a Christian and i was reading on that while some other religions promote a vegetarian diet, when Christianity was spreading throughout Europe vegetarians almost disappeared. I am curious if that means a vegetarian diet is frowned upon? And if so, is there Biblical support for it? Thanks so much for your time. Christianity against a vegetarian diet?
Christians love to nibble on furry critters.
I don't think Christianity is against a vegetarian diet at all. Most of the major Christian authorities probably would have a problem if concerns about eating and dietary regulations (of ANY sort) became so important to someone that they put it ahead of church/other religious duties and moral obligations. But otherwise it's pretty much something that's left up to individual choice.

The exceptions, of course, are Catholics and Mormons who do have some dietary regulations (Catholics mainly for Lent). But neither of those, to my knowledge, say anything for or against vegetarianism.Is Christianity against a vegetarian diet?
Romans 14

2 One person鈥檚 faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them.

God bless you.
Nope!:D I'm a christian and if i stopped eating meat tomorrow my mom would probably just wonder why i stopped eating meat. I knew a girl in 6th grade who was so hardcore veggitarian that she got sick at the smell of meat cooking and as far as i know she was christian. I had an aunt to who was a veggitarian. I mean there may be some crazy people out there who think as a christian you got to eat meat but honestly this is the first time i've ever heard of such a thing.Is Christianity against a vegetarian diet?
It's not against vegetarianism. However, most Christians are not vegetarian because Jesus ate meat and fish, and so Christians don't believe that eating animals is morally wrong. The Christians that eat a vegetarian diet do so because they don't like the taste or for health reasons.
IN ACTUALITY MEAT WAS NEVER MANS INTENDED DIET .. It was added in actuality to shorten mens life for after the flood mankind died a lot sooner after meat was introduced than before..
Especially in the time we live in now where cancer among animals and other diseases is running amok because of mans sin ask a doctor or health professional just how long meat takes to clear the large intenstine ?? , all animals that eat meat have only a small intestine and food eaten is eliminated quite quickly. before food can be elimated out of the large intestines after meat is introduced it starts to rot , fact!! look it up! . john wayne was a avid meat eater and before he died he had lost an awesome amount of weight because of his sickness but even after his death it was stated he had over 30 lbs of impacted waste in his colon
There's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian...what's so bad about it?

It's outrageous.

the only thing I'M against is people arguing that meat is not meant to be eaten and Christians are wrong. Other than that eat whatever you want

Make sure you're getting enough protein though
God gave us Clean Animals to eat, Like, Chicken, Turkey, Cow, lamb.. fish that only have a fin and a scale...

God also gave us unclean animals that he doesn't want us to eat, like, crab, lobster. pig, frogs, alligators, cats, dogs, monkeys, crows...

(those are some of the examples)
Vegetarianism is paganistic. It's basicly a ritual of nature-worship. People creating their own moral high ground by only eating vegetables then condeming anyone who eats meat.
eat away.... pal.

Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
Absolutely not.....
No, I don't think so. I know several devout Catholics who are vegans.
I have no clue, but if it is I'm in trouble :/ lol
no, jesus gave the people fish to eat. lol,

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