I've always my entire life been kinda wishy washy on becoming a vegetarian, mainly because i dont like meat unless it's greasy fatty fast food Grade F meat or unhealthy meats, so im trying to go vegetarian, what is something i can take to act as a replacement for meat so i can get good protein for a 17 year old growing manHow do you get protein from a vegetarian diet?
You do realize pretty much everything has protein in it right?
If you get a protein deficiency on a vegetarian diet, even though you where getting enough calories, I will cut off my dick and mail it to you.
You know why im so confident in saying that? Because im 100% sure it won't happen.
Yves meatless ground is very good. .5 g of fat per serving, 10 g of protein...it's a favorite. I usually use it in manwiches or veggie pizzas since I work at a pizza place. I would also recommend almond milk and almond cheese, quinoa, beans, eggs, nuts, and everything else these folks listed.
If you have trouble crossing over, some people go pescatarian first - which is what I am because I will never stop eating sushi. :) Also, Morningstar products are good for transitioning - black bean burgers will make you never want beef.How do you get protein from a vegetarian diet?
From food.
Protein is found in almost any food. There is especially a lot of protein in nuts, grains, beans, lentils, chickpeas etc. For a lacto-ovo vegetarian there's also dairy and eggs. And for a lazy day there's tons of meat substitutes out there. It is astonishingly easy to get enough protein on a vegetarian diet.
that depends on if you are going to include foods high in protein like milk or yogurt cheese, eggs etc. also it is important to get your B12, to prevent pernicious anemia which many vegans suffer from but either do not know it or deny it. Do some research, instead of just asking for answers, and you will be investing good time in your life and knowledge. I was a veg head for many years but I eventually added sea food. For me it was can I walk up to this animal and kill it. If I could I would eat it, the only animal I decided I could kill withoput thinking is fish. fish is fantastic for your health.How do you get protein from a vegetarian diet?
Whey protein baby.
Eggs and milk too.
Don't bother counting the protein you get from veggies or fruits or grains, those are broken proteins and don't work in the body properly, and there's like very small amounts of it too.
Your best bet is to go and buy some whey protein, a great supplement for protein, especially if you're vegetarian.
If you're a vegan you're pretty much fuc*ed.
lentils, chick peas and most beans. also a good source of protein is plant protein (chlorella which is fresh water green algae), and dark green veggies
Beans, lentils, cheese, tofu should be enough. Also, egg if you鈥檙e willing to make that exception.
Nuts. Soy. Tofu. Milk. Brocolli family.
Well said EFSC...lol its funny though. Eat a lot of pulses. Make sure you eat pulses at least three times a week and eat fruits and vegetables everyday. You'll be just fine.
Its depends on if you are going to include goods high in proten like milk,cheese,rice, beans, grains etc.
Rice and beans.
I have just eaten some MILLET
Has good protein I hear
your best human compatible sources-leafy green herbs of all types and with great variety(garden grown spinach is around 30% protein, romaine is around the same and is said to be a complete protein-not sure about that, collards, etc.) these should be a default food, they have many other nutritional aspects as well-best source of mineral in general, some are great sources of calcium. some are high in omega fatty acids(purslane-http://www.livestrong.com/article/467959鈥?/a>
if you are worried about the taste of greens you will be happy to know that there are some very tasty ways to eat them. green smoothies(fruit based) or in green juices with lightly sweet fruits and celery, cucumber, whole lemon, fresh ginger root, bell pepper etc. are the main ones. and there are many ideas floating around the net as to homemade salad dressings made from fruits, veg, herbs, and raw vegetarian condiments like apple cider vinegar, olive oil, sesame seed butter, almond butter and more.
other than that, some easier and more filling proteins are quinoa(complete plant protein), brown rice, millet, chia seeds(also complete) and there are more, but you get the idea.
and as to the idea of combining "incomplete protein", that is myth! protein assimilation is a colective thing, you eat one "part" of your protein on day and the other another day.
it seems that most people are only aware of dense plant sources of protein, like beans and grains etc. these are nearly as harmful to your body as animal protein. the only real advantage is that they are low in fat as opposed to flesh and don't have the hormones and cancer causing compounds. but any sort of "high protein food" is going to be detrimental if eaten regularly. most common people are dealing with a protein excess, even some vegans. protein deficiency is pretty much unheard of in this country, only people that eat less than 1000 calories or severely restrict the kinds of plant foods they will eat are at risk for this. so don't worry about it at all. the meat and dairy industry has done a real good job of scaring people away from going vegan FOR HEALTH.
and if you ever need a "protein shake", think greens! the darker the better. high water fruits and vegetables are the ideal food for humans, and there is enough variety to cover 99.9% of nutritional needs. B12 is really the only problematic nutrient. but that is probably an issue of the health of your digestive track than any other variable. there are people that say B12 in the diet is unnecessary if you have a proper balance of good bacteria in your system as B12 comes from a certain type of bacteria not animal flesh. the animals ingest these from the grass that is near the ground. of course the solution for this as far as humans are concerned is going to be a bit different than going out and eating your food off the ground to get you B12 lol. just for fun info, water kefir and milk kefir has the bacteria that makes B12, kefir is a good way to repopulate many of your good bacteria in your intestines.
continue to look through livestrong.com, there is all sorts of in depth health and diet info on there.
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