How long do they survive? Do you ever get charged with animal cruelty?What kind of vegetarian diet do you feed your dogs and cats?
Of the two you list, only the cat is carnivorous. Dogs can live on just veggies, and in some rare cases it is necessary. I have known a few dogs who could not digest meat.
I personally have a dog, who when faced with a small piece of meat and a small carrot, always chooses the carrot first. He will then eat the meat.
Saving the best for last? No dog does that.
Ed. - to Connie B. I never heard of a vegan cat, and I thought I knew animals, thanks for that tidbit. I will never call cats carnivore again, unless they personally request that I do.
Perhaps the labels carnivore, omnivore, vegetarian are social constructs after all. As a sociologist I am finding this fascinating.
Dogs can make it on a vegetarian diet with plenty of supplements. Cats cannot.What kind of vegetarian diet do you feed your dogs and cats?
Don't do that!!! It is cruel and the animals will die a slow and painful death!!
cats and dogs SHOULD NOT be on a vegetarian diet.
please pick a good name brand food (science diet, pedigree are both fine) and keep your pets on it.
next time you visit the vet, ask him about putting your animals on an alternative diet. he may have some input that will help you.What kind of vegetarian diet do you feed your dogs and cats?
Dogs and cats, like humans were designed to eat meat. Hence the teeth.
Human BEINGs shouldn't even be on a vegetarian diet. And if you think being a vegetarian saves animals -- ever been to a farm and watched a combine harvester?
To answer your question .. first the dogs and cats of today are not the dogs and cats of yesterday .. Second yes my cats (velvet is in picture with me, he is a youngster at 8 years old) and Dogs are vegetarians ... they make well balanced dry vegetarian dog and cat foods .. you can easily find on line.. OK so their German shepherd who passed away April 2, 2002..lived to 19 and 1 month ...My oldest cat thus far lived to 25 years old.. my other one recently passed at 21years 9 months .. I have currently a 9 year old Pit bull and a 17 year old chihuahua .. I feed my dogs also what ever I eat ..they Love pastas , veggies, even cantaloupe.. I have cats they eat potatoes , veggie meats ,but yes cats need more protein so you must supplement their diets with extra vegetable protein .. so for all who question long have your animals lived.?. mine were documented when I got them as rescues as pups and kittens.. All my animals as a rule have lived longer then their normal life expectancy .. and here is one I saw the other day .....................According to the Sunday Telegraph, Bramble, a Collie,living in Bridgewater, Somerset, has just celebrated her 27th birthday, possibly making her Britain's oldest living dog and a contender for the oldest dog in the world. Aside from luck, Bramble's secret to longevity is a vegetarian diet. Ms. Heritage is a vegan and has brought up her pooch on the same diet regime she herself follows
"She has a big bowl of rice, lentils and organic vegetables every evening," says Ms. Heritage. so for the A %26amp; M graduate ..ask for a refund...! you need to ask a lot more questions to find the truth ..
My dog gets whatever he wants to eat. I don't impose my eating habits on him. My parents send home bones for him as well as steak, chicken and turkey. I'm a vegetarian because I do not like the taste/texture of meat related products. I've been this way since I was 3. Everyone else around me, dogs included can eat what they wish.
the oldest dog in the world is a vegan dog.(29 year old border collie in Australia,human equivalent of 168 years)
Most vegetarians do not feed their pets vegetarian food unless the animal has some serious meat allergies.. They need certain foods to be healthy and survive since they ARE carnivores. Your notion that we make our pets vegetarian is pretty dumb and poor speculation. Where did you come up with this fantasy?
Please don't do that. Yes you could get charged because you did it knowingly - having written this. No supplements won't make them healthy as the supplements won't be adequate if they are truly vegan. Your rhetorical question on survival of course depends on the individual and the extent of your sadism.
Dumb. The dogs (2) and the cats (2) eat 365 brand dog and cat food from whole foods. The dogs also enjoy pinches of my veggie patties...
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