Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is this a normal symptom after switching to a vegetarian diet?

I’m terribly apologetic if this question is a little gross, but I switched to a vegetarian diet a few days ago and I have never been so gassy / used the bathroom so often (number two, especially). Is that normal?

Also, will my skin get bad? I read somewhere someone breaking out into hives / acne after switching.Is this a normal symptom after switching to a vegetarian diet?
I've been a vegetarian for about 11 years now, and YES to your question(s)!. Your body will need time to acclimate to new foods, especially foods with more fiber and roughage.

You could take Beano to help you out until your body adjusts...

Also, if you are filling in the areas where you used to eat meat with dairy products, then you will get gassy as well...
I recently switched to Vegetarian diet as well, about 4 months ago. At first i had the same symptoms as you, and i was going #2 at least twice a day. About a month or two after being on a veg. diet my bathroom trips decreased and i only go #2 about once a day now. It will get better, but it is sooo annoying at first.

As far as skin problems: I had acne before becoming vegetarian and was informed that it has to do with low iron (anemia) which i had even before switching to veg. After becoming veg. i also started taking multivitamins and Iron supplements and my skin cleared right up. So just be sure to get enough Iron since you are taking meat out of your diet. :)

Hope this helped and good luck :)Is this a normal symptom after switching to a vegetarian diet?
Many vegetables actually create gas---especially the "green leafy" ones----brocolli, particularly, will make you very gaseous. It's just one of those things you get used to. You get used to the extra gas. After time, you dont' think it abnormal. You know how to time eating certain things (like brocolli) so that when the gas hits, you won't be around a ton of people (like at university or at work around a lot of people).

I've heard a vegetarian diet can clear up skin problems, actually. Pretty fairly certain that I read that in one of my "vegetarian info" books. Anyway, to relate it to my personal experience, I never had skin problems before going vegetarian. However, before I was vegetarian, I basically avoided meat. So I was a "meat avoider" not a "vegetarian" for 13 years of my 20 years of life. So when I 'switched' to being vegetarian ('switch' is a rather light term), perhaps I didn't notice a huge difference because in reality, my diet hadn't actually changed. I just started to say to people (e.g., social occasions where a meal was involved) that I was a vegetarian, rather than someone who was not interested in trying their meat dish. =P But, my skin was always clear and blemish free before (just lucky?) all throughout my 20 years of life, and did not change when I went vegetarian. Still as clear and blemish-free as ever. =)
It's very normal to be gassier...especially in the beginning, until your gut get used to processing those foods. Meat sits in your intestines and rots for days before you pass it. Veggies and beans move through much faster and create a little havoc in the beginning...but it's really good for your digestive system to process food quickly. The rotting meat can cause all kinds of cancer inducing toxins.Is this a normal symptom after switching to a vegetarian diet?
I never had any negative skin effects. If you are going from eating all junk and meat to a vegetarian diet, you may have gastric problems. When I went veg I started having bowel movements 2-3 times per day instead of e/o day. It's because vegetable and fruit matter digests A LOT faster than meat. It's normal, unless it's loose. That's not normal.

Watch out for Beano, because it's not vegetarian.
Hi! I don't know, but the exact same thing happened to me when I became a vegetarian. What helps is to get A LOT of fiber in what u eat. That really helped me. And if you still drink milk and stuff,yogurt really helps to.

My skin didn't break out at all, I actually got better skin after switching.

But I don't know what is normal. But this is what happened to me. Hope u feel better soon =)
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Beans and peas do create gas. Its not really harmful. Here is a tip. If you cook beans put in a pinch of the spice asafoetida. This is a spice you can find in the supermarket. It should reduce the gassiness of beans or of any other gassy food.

And No, your skin won't get bad it will get better over time.
Yup. It's normal. You just probably upped your fiber intake rather significantly, so you can expect a bit of upset. It shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to die down.

My skin never got bad, but it might. Stress and change can do that. :-)

You might try Beano... that can help you process the fiber.
A few days ago won't change you radically,

maybe you're just eating a lot of beans...?

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