Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is a good vegetarian diet plan that would work well and fast?

I am 15, a vegetarian, 5'2 and 130 lbs. I really want to lose my stomach/upper thigh/hip area. I do exercise, b/c I am a cheerleader and we condition during practice. i just want a nice diet plan for every day of the week. What is a good vegetarian diet plan that would work well and fast?
Protein based foods are always good for people who do a lot of exercise as it helps to repair cells and in the case of an athlete muscle cells.

This can be found in beans, pulses, soya i've even found that some vege burgers have high amount of protien. If you eat fish and class yourself as a vege as some do, tuna is very good as its high in protien and low in everything else. obviously eating other nutriants is also essentail.

The other thing that may help is that sometimes when you think you are hungry your actually thirsty, try drink some water before you snaking. The also say eat little and often, this way your matabalism willl keep working more effectivly through out the day.

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People say to watch you calorie in-take this is true to an extent, however there has been research and people have that if you have a balanced diet but eating different types of food your matabalism doesn't know how to adapt and then you loose weight.

If you do quite a bit of exercise then cutting calories isn't actually that good. If you look at olympic athletes particually rowers they eat something like 10,000 calories a day

oh yeah people will tell you that protien will make you put on weight as it builds muscules. This is true for men and women however with women you will slender down before you begin to bolk out, where as men just seem to bolk.What is a good vegetarian diet plan that would work well and fast?
Just eat healthier. Instead of fried foods eat baked, fresh, or steamed foods. That will keep you healthy and lean. If your body tells you that you are hungry, you should def. eat something, it's just the choices you make of your foods. If you want to loose fat in a certain area, you need to exercise for that area.

Try not to eat out a lot and cut down on sugar too.What is a good vegetarian diet plan that would work well and fast?
Hopefully this can help you, at least to some extent...

"DirectJump" has several categories. Just scroll down to "Health %26amp; Medicine". You might find some exercise and nutrition tips/advice in these health sites. Towards the end of the category are some vegetarian sites as well:

[ - The Source on the Web ]

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