Monday, February 20, 2012

How do vegetarians in India and other religions get away with their vegetarian diet?

Fruits and vegetables don't nearly provide you with enough calories to sustain you. For most people, we need at least 1500 calories a day

So how do they get around this?

They still are very skinny over there, and don't have any health issues.How do vegetarians in India and other religions get away with their vegetarian diet?
P谋zza , burgers , cakes. , 谋ce cream , bread, tacos, 谋s all vegatar谋an.How do vegetarians in India and other religions get away with their vegetarian diet?
Vegetarians can also eat nuts, and oils, so it isn't too hard to reach a decent amount of caloric intake.

Also your assumption of Indians all being very skinny, and not having health issues isn't right, if I'm not mistaken, they have a relatively high level of heart disease, because of the Indian diet.

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