Sunday, January 29, 2012

Which of the following is false regarding a vegetarian diet?

a. Even if a vegetarian eats a balanced diet, she has more iron deficiencies than meat eaters

b. The diet relies on plants sources for most of the nutrients the body needs

c. Vegetarians tend to get enough calcium from products like tofu

d. Vegetarian diets encompass a range from diets that allow some animal products to those that exclude all animal productsWhich of the following is false regarding a vegetarian diet?
A is false, but the source of iron from a vegetable source is Non-heme iron, and is harder to absorb, so iron deficiency is more common in vegan vegetarians. The non-heme iron issue can be solved by eating a vitamin C source at that same time.

C could be false. Its hard to get 1200 mg of calcium a day from just tofu, almonds, salmon, etc. All dairy products contain a whopping 300 mg calcium give or take. Its hard to beat that. So vegetarians who do not consume dairy need to take a calcium supplement.
False - A. Anemia rates are very similar between omnivores and vegetarians. In both groups women who have their period are more likely to be anemic.Which of the following is false regarding a vegetarian diet?

A vegetarian diet does not cause any deficiencies in any nutrients.
anything pointing out diet defencies and and self delusion brought on by malnutrition are all trueWhich of the following is false regarding a vegetarian diet?
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