Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to get enough Iron in a vegetarian diet?

What's the best way to get iron in a vegetarian diet? I think I've heard that dark green leafy vegetables have it, like Kale and Spinach, but what else?

Why is Iron important and how much does one really need?How to get enough Iron in a vegetarian diet?
It's not so much the getting enough iron as it is making sure what you ingest is properly absorbed. You can take supplements, but if you're using a lot of cheese and other dairy you should know that it hinders iron absorption.

The best thing to do is eat a proper well rounded vegetarian diet. Don't go heavy on milk, cheese and eggs. Don't rely no any one source of veggie for your iron needs. Over harvesting of the land has reduced the nutrient content in many foods. Spinach used to be loaded in iron. Not it has very little.

Lentils and chickpeas are high in iron. Do you like hummus? It's a paste from chickpeas. Red bell peppers, i love these raw! Dipped in HUMMUS! yum!! Raisins are good. Molasses as well. Add it to your coffee rather than refined white sugar.
You can always opt to take an iron supplement as well. Check out the link to learn more - it does mention that they're great for vegetarian diets:How to get enough Iron in a vegetarian diet?
Green leafy veggies do have it, but beans (especially baked beans with molasses) and beets have more.
Yes, it's true dark, leafy vegetables...but also peanut butter, oats, beans, tofu, raisins. Iron keeps your bloodstream viable and healthy. It provides strength and muscle mass/tone. If you have ever had iron deficiency would understand the effect of low iron levels. You are weak, easily exhausted, tired all the time.How to get enough Iron in a vegetarian diet?
yes, you're right - dark green vegetables such as brocolli and savoy cabbage are high in iron as are pulses. try iron supplements too.
Vegetarians need twice as much iron then the average meat eater. This is because there is two types of iron. The first is in meat and is absorbed easily. The other is found in vegetables and other not meat sources and it harder to be absorbed.
I would suggest that you take an iron supplement to be able to get all of the iron you need without eating meat.
Its stops you becoming anemic. You are right about the dark green veg, and you could take a supplement.

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