Sunday, February 26, 2012

What are the benefits to a vegetarian diet?

also, is it ok to drink alcohol or get drunk if you are a vegatarian? may seem like a dumb question, but i figured without something heavy like meat in your something it'll be harder for your body to process the alcoholWhat are the benefits to a vegetarian diet?
The benefits - 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian鈥?/a>

You can drink if your a vegetarian, and your body will not notice a difference between being a meat eater or a vegetarian. Getting drunk will still kill 10,000 bain cells. Poor brain cells :-)

BTW: I can drink my meat eating friends under the table, my liver doesn't have meat to deal with, so it goes right to work ridding my body of alcohol.
shelby obviously isnt a nutritional scholar..or even closeWhat are the benefits to a vegetarian diet?
you can't drink as much if you a vegetarian, but its because you kidneys will no longer be able to process all the alcohol because of the lack of protein, or something like that....
.... do you always drink meat before drinking alcohol?

being a vegetarian does not affect you're ability to handle alcohol.

being a vegetarian is almost as good as being vegan.

you can get all your nutrients from a vegetarian diet easily.


Non meat sources of protein: Eggs, Milk, soy/tofu, yogurt, cheese, whole wheat breads, lentils, brown rice, kale/leafy veggies, nuts, beans...

*just look out for gelatin, its in most yogurts, marshmallows, starburst, skittles...

non meat sources of iron: brown rice, beans, peas, raisins, spinach..

(which isn't that much less than normal beef and chicken. but you'll probably have more than the serving size anyway.)

and as for b12. "Humans require only about 2-3 micrograms per day... All of vitamin b12 in the world comes from bacteria. Neither plants nor animals can make it. These bacteria are all over the world in the wind, soil, and water. When animals eat particles of soil along with grass or feed, the vitamin ends up in their flesh, milk, and eggs... The best way for vegans to get b12 is through fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, soy or grain beverages, some meat substitutes, and supplements." Students Go Vegan Cookbook by Carole Raymond

ive been vegetarian since i was 12. and i have been drunk several times, with a lott of shots and such and while my 300 pound brother got sick. i did not. could be a coincidence but maybe it helps having a vegetarian diet? lolWhat are the benefits to a vegetarian diet?
If you're considering changing you're diet, you may wish to do it slowly, just in case. Some people's bodies really just can't handle not eating meat. I've had family members who've tried to become vegetarian and their doctors told them to stop because they were getting too weak. Personally, I much prefer not eating meat. I feel much cleaner and healthier. I also drink alcohol without any problem, just remember to not over do it, regardless of your diet. It's very important to make sure that you have alternative ways of getting enough protein, b12 and iron, or else you could get sick.
a couple of benefits of a vegetarian diet are

you dont eat animals (thats a benefit to me..)

your arteries dont get clogged with fat and grease

your risk for heart disease goes down (a lot)

and as far as the alcohol.. a lot of alcohol is bad for your body reguardless of what you eat with it. (eating meat and drinking is kind of just like a double wammy on your body)
being a vegetarian isn't very good for you because the vitamins and supplements that meat provides your body isn't found in veggies, it's not good for you to change the way you eat after eating meat also cause it's to big of a change for your body and will make you very ill.

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